When did EM-Webmail move to Office 365 ?
Regional Mailboxes were transferred on Friday 20 Sep 2019.
State mailboxes were transferred on Friday 27 Sep 2019.
Incident mailboxes were transferred on Friday 04 Oct 2019.
FAQs in this article
How do I log in ?
Use the icon on the Operations page of the EM-COP Desktop or go to:
Either method takes you through an information page. Please read this page carefully. You will need to enter the password and a current Login Code to complete the login.
More information is here.
How do I get a password and login code ?
Use the icon on the Operations page of the EM-COP Desktop. Enter your EM-COP username and password if asked to open the login code generator page. Start typing the email address. A matching list will appear as you type. Click the required email address when shown. The mailbox password and six digit login code will be displayed.
More information is here.
How do I check what mailbox I am in ?
Hover your mouse over the circle icon at the top far right of the browser window. You can also click or tap this icon to open the My Account menu. On the mobile app, tap the circle icon at the top left of the screen to open the side menu.
Can I use the EM-Webmail Login Code generator on a mobile device ?
Open the web browser on your phone or tablet and type https://mfa-generator.cop.em.vic.gov.au into the address bar, then hit Enter. Enter your EM-COP username and password when asked. The generator page will be displayed. Save this page to your home screen. You can now use the icon on your device's home screen to open the generator as an app. Please note that you will need to enter your EM-COP username and password each time you restart the app but your device should remember your login details making this a single click/tap process.
What web browser should I use ?
Microsoft Office 365 supports recent versions of all common web browsers - Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Internet Explorer. If you are using Office 365 now your browser you should have no issues. Chrome is the preferred browser for EM-COP.
What if I am stuck in my agency email. What do I do ?
Many agencies are already using Office 365 for staff email. This can cause difficulties for users also wanting to access EM-Webmail.
More information is here.
Can I attach files using Chrome ?
Microsoft Office 365 supports file attachment in all recent versions of all common web browsers - Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Internet Explorer.
How do I report a problem ?
Use Submit a request in the top right corner of the EM-COP Help page to report a problem. You can also contact SCC Support if the problem is urgent.
Do I have to enter the login code every time I login ?
You can set this to every 7 days when logging in on the same device.
– please see the step by step login guide in EM-COP Help.
Will there be Microlearns and information in Regional briefings ?
These will be available on EM-COP and as part of briefing packages.
Can I access EM-Webmail without going through EM-COP ?
Please use this link: https://files-em.em.vic.gov.au/public/EM-Webmail-O365.htm
This link will take you through an information page, then open both the Login Generator and the Microsoft Office 365 Portal login page. This way we can keep you informed of updates and changes.
You can access EM-Webmail directly via the Microsoft Portal at https://outlook.office.com/mail/ using the full EM-Webmail email address as the username and the same standard password. You can access the Login Code generator directly here using your EM-COP username and password.
More information is here.
Can I monitor multiple email accounts ?
You can monitor multiple Office 365 accounts, including multiple EM-Webmail accounts and other business or personal accounts in separate browser windows or by using separate browsers.
More information is here.
Can multiple people use the same email account ?
Just log in to the account. It doesn't matter if another person is also logged in.
Can I use a locally installed Outlook client ?
You can connect multiple Outlook 2016 or above clients to the same mailbox. Outlook 2010 clients can also be connected but with some restrictions. You can also add multiple accounts to the client.
More information is available here.
Can I access email on a mobile device ?
You will need to download the latest Outlook app from the Apple iStore or Google Play Store. The app will guide you through connecting to the email account you want. You can also add multiple accounts.
More information is available here.
Can I use the native mail app of an iPhone, iPad or Android device ?
Yes (with some restrictions).
The email client in most recent devices will support Office 365 with login codes. Older devices can also be supported with some restrictions.
More information is here.
Why is the Login Code Generator blank ?
You are probably using an old or unsupported browser. Internet Explorer and older versions of Chrome do not work.
Why must I log in to the Login Code Generator ?
You can access both EM-Webmail and the Login Code Generator from outside EM-COP. The login to the generator ensures you are a valid EM-COP user - otherwise, anyone could get passwords and login codes.
Why isn't my account in the Login Code Generator ?
Either you have entered the account name incorrectly or the account details have not been loaded into the generator. If in doubt, please Submit a request.
Why is no password displayed in the Login Code Generator ?
Passwords for some accounts are not available to all users. If you are trying to access an account where no password is displayed, please see SCC Support or Submit a request.
When did the mail accounts change ?
Regional Mailboxes were transferred on Friday 20 Sep 2019.
State mailboxes were transferred on Friday 27 Sep 2019.
Incident mailboxes were transferred on Friday 04 Oct 2019.
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